Friday, 12 August 2011

11e - Zugzwang's Tower Guide No.4 "The Black Run"

For Hunters with the Title of Lord/Lady or above...
Last updated 28.08.2011

The "Black" Run
Following feedback received, I have split the ZT section into sub-sections.  The Black run has been developed to show the different strategy in Zugzwang's Tower for completing a "double-run" through Zugzwang's Tower collecting King mice of both varieties on the same run together with the Chess Master mouse.

Zugzwang's Tower Tips
  • Same as "The Green Run"
  1. While you are in the Seasonal Garden ensure that you build your amplifier to the maximum for your rank (150, 160 or 175%)
  2. Change your trap set-up to your strongest tactical trap, Spellbook base and Super|brie+ cheese and hunt until you obtain both Rook mice from one side.
  3. Use a combination of the Obvious Ambush trap and the Blackstone Pass trap to even out the sides until you catch one Queen mouse
  4. Change your bait to Checkmate cheese and you base to a high luck base.
  5. With luck you will get both King Mice and the Chess Master mouse on the same run.
  6. In the unlikely event that you have not already collected the Sandtail Call to Arms map piece then travel to the Seasonal Garden and catch one of the mice that drop it.  [Note: Spring = Spring Familiar mouse or Puddlemancer mouseSummer = Firebreather mouseFall = Fall Familiar mouse or Harvest Harrier mouse; and Winter =Bruticle mouse.
  7. While you are in Zugzwang's Tower make sure you collect the Crystal Library Card that is dropped by either variety of Rook mouse.
  8. Go to Part 11f - Lords and Ladies: Crystal Library.

If you spot any errors or omissions or have any suggestions to improve the step-by-step guide then please leave a comment.  Thanks..