Saturday, 4 September 2010

09 - Cape Clawed Guide for Heroes

Last Updated: 18.02.2012
  1. Travel to Cape Clawed and purchase a stock of Plant Pots from the Cape Clawed General Store.
  2. Travel to the Tribal Islands region and craft Shell cheese, Gumbo cheese and Crunchy cheese and then collect the Blue Pepper seeds, Yellow Pepper seeds and Red Pepper seeds which are use to make the various types of Havarti cheese. Trap Setup should be: (Elub Shores; Ancient Spear Gun trap; Shell cheese = Blue Pepper Seeds); (Nerg Plains; Horrific Venus Mouse trap; Gumbo cheese = Yellow Pepper Seeds); and (Derr Dunes; RhinoBot trap; Crunchy cheese = Red Pepper Seeds). [Tip: During this step you are trying and catch the Chief mouse from each of the 3 Tribes and get the Blueprint Piece that they each drop].
  3. When you have 158,175 gold then travel to Cape Clawed and buy the Ancient Torn Blueprint Piece from the Cape Clawed General Store.
  4. When you have accumulated 17,000,000 points, craft the Ancient Box trap blueprints [Formula] using the blueprints that you have collected from the 3 Tribal Chief mice. [Tip: If you have been using SUPER|brie+ and have more than 48 Stale SUPER|brie+ then take this opportunity to craft the Enraged RhinoBot Trap; optional at this stage but it will be required later].
  5. Return to the Tribal Island locations and continue hunting as previously described until you have 20,000,000 points and 2,700,000 gold and then purchase the Clockapult of Time trap from the Cape Clawed Trapsmith.
  6. Craft some Pepper Plants by going to the Crafting Page and adding the combinations of seeds [Formulae] to a pot and craft them to create the various coloured Peppers that you need to craft the various Havarti cheeses.
  7. Go to the “Special” tab under Inventory you will find a series of Pepper Plants.
  8. Pick them and this will give you various types of Peppers.
  9. Craft the various Havarti cheese [Formulae]. [Tip: Ignore Inferno Harvati cheese at this stage.  You do not need it until later]. Each recipe makes 6 piece of cheese.
  10. Then travel to the Jungle of Dread and hunt for the various mice using the Clockapult of Time trap and each type of Harvati cheese as bait.  You are aiming to collect the 6 items dropped by the various mice attracted to each unique type of Harvati cheese; Stonework Warrior mouse = Engraved Solid Stone Slab; Fetid Swamp mouse = Hinge of Eternity; Primal mouse = Ethereal Rope; Jurassic mouse = Ancient Relic Staff; Magma Carrier mouse = Encrusted Metal of Time; and Chitinous mouse = Timeless Mystic Gem.
  11. Once you have gathered the 6 items dropped in the Jungle of Dread then you can craft the Ancient Box trap [Formula].
  12. Travel to the Acolyte Realm and catch the Acolyte mouse using the Ancient Box trap. Keep catching the Acolyte mouse until you get a Mysterious Box with a Frozen Scroll inside it.
  13. Keep hunting Fire Salt until you achieve the title of Knight. [Tip: Use Super|Brie+ cheese for best effect if you are hunting for the Pygmy Wrangler mouse].
  14. Go to Part 10 - Knights.
If you spot any errors or omissions or have any suggestions to improve the step-by-step guide then please leave a comment.  Thanks..

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